Hey there! My name is Sonia
I grew up in California near the beach, which is my favorite place to be! I'm recently graduated from university which I studied psychology and life-sciences. I love cooking, making art, learning new languages, traveling, and swimming. I'm also passionate about the plant-based vegan lifestyle/diet, sustainability, and holistic health and wellness. I want to learn more and participate more in the ethical, environmental, and sustainable part of the vegan lifestyle.
For some people it seems like it's super easy for them to become vegan overnight. Unfortunately, this is not the case for me. So, I'm still learning how to fully incorporate this vegan lifestyle into my life and I'm not a "perfect vegan" (if that even exists). I started my youtube and this website/blog to document my journey in becoming fully vegan and learning more about how to become healthier. I'm taking on this challenge to nurture my body, mind, and environment day by day. Join me on this wonderful adventure if you would like to!
I hope my recipes, blog posts, and/or videos will also inspire you to go vegan, eat more plants, and nourish yourself with nutritious, healthy, and delicious vegan meals!
When I was 15, I had an experience that changed my life forever. After experiencing severe side effects, including never-ending headaches, losing my eye-sight, changes in my hormones, and many more, I was diagnosed with cancerous brain tumors. This life or death situation was one of the scariest and challenging moments in my life. After going through rigorous treatments, many nights in the hospital, and countless heart-wrenching obstacles, I finally became free of cancer!
Although I'm free of cancer, I still face many of the damages my treatments and cancer caused me. This experience is one of the reasons why I became more interested in my health and how plant-based vegan diet can help me become healthier. I started to incorporate more plant-based meals each day because I saw changes in my health physically and mentally. And through re-creating some of my favorite dishes and Japanese dishes, I began to really enjoy cooking and eating more plant-based foods.
I would love to encourage each other to be healthier and eat more plants! I would also love to talk and hear from you. Please feel free to comment on my posts/recipes or even contact me to chat!
Thank you so much for reading. Please take great care.
Talk to you soon!